Since 2010
We are an internationally acclaimed producer of premium immersive art shows and license our content worldwide.
We are an internationally acclaimed producer of premium immersive art shows and license our content worldwide.
First Immersive Frida Kahlo experience outside of Mexico ever approved by the rightholders
“Viva Frida Kahlo – Immersive Experience” offers an insight into the tragic life of the Mexican artist and her creations. Full of colorful, exotic symbolism, as well as a series of powerful self-portraits, the expressive artist’s creations and her life are at the heart of this Immersive Exhibition. Her pictures come to life in the projections, while a voice-over playing the role of Frida Kahlo comments on the events and a specially composed soundtrack paints the presentation's acoustic background.
Viva Frida Kahlo - Lichthalle MAAG, Zurich
A 360-degree experiential journey through the life and work of one of the greatest artists of the last century
The immersive production allows visitors to dive into the world of Claude Monet. The show blends images with music to create an enchanting world of colour that brings the artist’s paintings to life in ways never seen or experienced before. Illusions transform into reality before the viewers’ eyes, transporting the audience to the heart of Monet’s Garden.
Monet's Garden - Lichthalle MAAG, Zurich
A 360-degree journey through the life and works of the Austrian Art Nouveau pioneer Gustav Klimt
This is our groundbreaking Immersive Art production, featuring interactive elements, cutting-edge video techniques, stunning animations, and a captivating storyline that sets it apart from the rest. Explore a world of innovation and artistic excellence like never before.
Gustav Klimt, renowned as the “painter of women”, created intimate studies of female eroticism in his art. In “Klimt’s Kiss” a student reflects with Emilie Flöge, Klimt’s emancipated life partner, in a fictional meeting on Klimt’s life and work from a female perspective, discussing controversial triumphs and bitter scandals as well as tragedies and love affairs.
Klimt's Kiss - Lichthalle MAAG, Zurich
Switzerland's greatest artists: when the works of Ferdinand Hodler and Paul Klee come to life
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